Banking, financial services & insurance

Safeguarding Financial Data

Made Easy

Effortlessly incorporate strong financial data protection measures into your risk management, governance, and business continuity strategies.

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Build Resilient Financial Operations


Safeguarding financial data in today's environment is paramount. Your customers expect responsible handling of their information, and compliance with industry regulations like PCI DSS, SOC 2, CIS benchmarks, and country-specific government requirements is essential. 


Cyber Sierra simplifies the complex and time-consuming process, ensuring your data remains secure and compliant.

Secure your sensitive customer data. Strengthen your security operations.


Centralized Control Repository

Easily access all control information in one place, receive real-time updates, and ensure consistency for efficient reference and proactive security gap resolution.


Clear Security Posture Visibility

Continuously monitor security controls, identify real-time exceptions, and enable swift remediation and responses to maintain a robust security posture.


Actionable Risk Intelligence

Leverage data-driven analytics to optimize costs, prioritize cyber risk remediation, and achieve continuous compliance with various international standards and regulations.


Explore Our Success Stories

How a global bank based in Singapore streamlined its third-party risk management using Cyber Sierra's platform

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See how we've achieved remarkable results for our clients.

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